Working with entrepreneurs and world-class venture capital firms to create and build fast growing Internet services, eCommerce and Digital Media businesses.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
ScreenSelect rebranded as Love Film
Webuser picked this up today and set out the details.
The move is part of the consolidation and integration that the company is busy implementing.
The group has an estimated 70% of the on-line rental market, about 17% of the total DVD rental market. So, rental shops still have 83%!
LoveFilm has well over 1000 movies to download for purchase or rent and is well positioned to exploit this distribution method once the library is expanded by the studios and consumers adopt the method.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Alternate Reality Games
Mind Candy, one of LocalGlobe's investments is making waves in this space and with the help of popular mass media like CNN is helping to explain exactly (well, sort of exactly) what ARGs are about.
Mind Candy's first game originates from the alien the world of Perplex City
This piece in should help the uninitiated.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
News of Daylife is out!

Craigslist Founder's News Ventures Named
By K.C. Jones, TechWeb Technology News
Jeff Jarvis has at least given a name to an upcoming news venture backed by Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, but developers are still keeping a tight lid on their plans.In writing about another news site, the recently announced but yet to be launched NewAssignment.Net, Jarvis said, "Daylife will gather, analyze, organize and create a new, distributed platform for the world's news." He also said the site would provide technical and distribution help to NewAssignment, which aims to encourage "smart mobs" of regular citizens to submit ideas and report the news through a process they're calling "open source journalism."
More has been divulged about NewAssignment than Daylife, including the fact that the idea came from Chris Allbritton, a former Associated Press reporter who raised more than $14,000 from readers to report back directly from Iraq. NewAssignment will seek donations and has at least $10,000 from Newmark.
In an e-mail interview Monday, Jarvis confirmed that Daylife is the company that Newmark is backing and touted last year as one new media answer to what's missing from traditional media. Jarvis declined to give a launch date.
"I'm afraid we're not saying anything more about the company quite yet," he said.
The site is under development and not yet open to public view, except one page announcing job openings. Though Newmark has said editors will be involved in the news startup, none of the positions advertised on Daylife are for editors or news gatherers.
In May 2005, Jarvis said he will act as editor-in-chief of a news startup founded by Upendra Shardanand. It was the first public mention of the site and Jarvis said he jumped at the opportunity to get involved as soon as Shardanand shared his idea.
"I have up plans to start my own blog company," he said. "The start-up remains in stealth mode."
Investor Michael Arrington said this week that he has no idea when the site will be launched or where it is in its development. He and another investor Dave Winer said they decided to invest after seeing mockups.