Dopplr is a service created for frequent travellers who belong to the same social, business or industry network.
If you travel a lot to conferences, meetings or otherwise its amazing how frequently you find that someone in your network happens to be in the same city at the same time - or perhaps you'd miss by a day or two.
The Dopplr site was built early last year and
about 500 heavy travelers from technology and media companies were invited to
road test the software. Since the Dopplr users were logging thousands of air
miles a month, the site quickly became the place for wired
globe-trotters, many of whom are now hooked on checking each others'
The site is now open but of course permission
to view another member's itinerary is by invitation only.
The service has attracted a lot of attention including a nice piece in Time magazine and is now being adopted by some large corporations as a way of optimising 'face-time' between their wide travelling executives.
Now Dopplr have added a superb, fully integrated partnership (through to booking) with the Boutique Hotel group - Mr and Mrs Smith.
The Hotels recommended by Mr and Mrs Smith may not meet everyone's budget but the direction which Dopplr are going is clear - great functionality for the user and smart monetisation of a super service.
Great job, guys!